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电话: 0555-2309443
姓名: SophieZu
Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research

   Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co., Ltd. is a National Torch Program High-tech Enterprise. Our firm has outstandingly completed a series of major national scientific and technological projects, including "the Sixth Five-Year Plan" and "the Eleventh Five-Year Plan", and published over 2, 500 academic papers at home and abroad. Our firm has more than 1, 700 sets of all kinds of equipment and facilities and over 50 supporting pilot plants. Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co., Ltd. cooperates with Chinese Academy of Sciences to develop an industrialized technique to produce high-performance hollow glass microspheres, filling a gap at home. Sinosteel Maansha...

主要产品/业务: High-performance hollow glass microspheres/hollow glass cenospheres

Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research / 安徽 / No. 666 Xitang Road (243000 ) / 电话:0555-2309443

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